In a 1.5 quart saucepan, heat milk with cream until heated and bubbles appear around the edges of the pan. Lift any skin that forms from the surface. Meanwhile, in a bowl, beat egg yolks, sugar and salt and spice together with a whisk until sugar dissolves & mixture is a light yellow. Slowly pour the hot liquid into the yolk mixture, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Return contents of the bowl to the saucepan and place over low heat. Stir slowly but constantly until temperature reaches 180 degrees F or mixture has reached a custard sauce consistency. Immediately pour custard back into bowl and stir off the heat until mixture begins to cool. Stir in rum, vanilla and allspice, then refrigerate until chilled. Pour rum custard into container of an icecream maker and follow manufacturers directions for freezing. Store in freezer until needed. If desired, pour a dollop of rum over each portion just before serving.{$7e}(Original recipe for 6)